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Travel Tips


September, praised as a golden month in Tianjin, is cool, clear and brisk. Everywhere presents a harvest scene. The rainy season and summer heat have gone. The weather can still be hot in the afternoons during early September, but it is delightfully cool in the morning and evening. From late September, the temperature difference between day and night gets obvious, but it still feels pleasant even at night. September is a good time to visit Tianjin. The weather is comfortable and the fall scenery is very beautiful.


The electric current used in China is 220V 50Hz. Hotels provide 220V and 110V (shavers only) power outlets. Please note that plug adapters and converters might be required.

Pay Like a Local in China
Guide to Payment Services in China (23.9MB)
Currency and Exchange

The currency used in China is the Renminbi Yuan (RMB or ¥) and the value is pegged to the US dollar with a current exchange rate of US$ 1: RMB 7.17 (August 2023). The Yuan is divided into 10 Jiao or 100 Fen. Notes come in denominations of ¥100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 1. Exchange your leftover Yuan before returning home as it can only be exchanged within China's borders.

Euros and US Dollars can be exchanged at your hotel or at any bank. Traveller’s cheques can only be exchanged at the Bank of China. Banks usually open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. From Monday to Friday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Currency exchange services are available for the following foreign currencies: US Dollar, British Pound Sterling, Euro, Japanese Yen, Australian Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Hong Kong Dollar, Swiss Franc, Danish Krone, Norwegian Krone, Swedish Krone, Singapore Dollar, Malaysian Ringgit, and Macao Pataca.

Major credit cards are accepted at many establishments, such as American Express, Diners Club, JCB, Master Card and Visa.

ATM Machine

Tianjin is a very ATM-friendly city. There are many banks with ATMs, but only about 50% of these accept foreign cards. The main foreign friendly ATMs are controlled by the Bank of China. Bank of China ATMs work in both Chinese and English (depending on your card), use the latest equipment, and are reasonably easy to find.


Organizers of the conference do not take any liability for personal accidents or injury or loss or damage to private property of any participant indirectly arising from travelling to Tianjin and/or attending the conference. Participants are advised to purchase adequate travel and health insurance before leaving their own countries.

Safety and Security

In general China is a very safe country. However, be aware of pickpockets and be careful when crossing the road. Passports should be kept in the hotel for safety until the departure day. Also note the serial numbers of your traveller’s checks if you carry those. We also recommend having copies of your passport and credit cards with you in case of loss or theft.


Gratuities are not customary in China. However, in hotels and during group travels, tipping is practiced for porters, tour guides and drivers.


Smoking in indoor public places has been banned in Tianjin since May 31, 2012, following the rolling out of the toughest-ever anti-smoking regulation in China. The regulation extends smoking bans to include all indoor public areas and workplaces, plus several outdoor areas, including schools, seating areas in sports stadiums, and hospitals where women or children are treated.


China covers five time zones. Beijing time is the only official time throughout the country; punctuality is highly appreciated.